Paper Title
Edge Computing Over Hybrid Mobile Social Networks

The Mobile social network (MSN) is a kind of network that provides a variety of content delivery services by involving the social relationship among users, where as Edge Computing aim to push the frontier of computing applications such as data, and services away from centralized server to the logical extremes of a network. This manuscript presents the new strategy for efficient content distribution in mobile social networks (MSNs) by taking the advantage of edge computing. We proposed a new scheme for efficient content distribution by considering as one node of social community called social super node (SSN) that act as edge node. Methods and techniques that are based on node performance and degree centralities are introduced to set the criteria to select a SSN from single and multiple social communities of the small social world. The simulation results are performed to verify the correctness and performance of the proposed architecture, which indicates that the accessing of those contents of nearby social super nodes instead of the content provider is helpful to improve network performances in terms of content delivery ratio, better latency, throughput, in-network caching, and end-to-end delays. Index Terms - Mobile Social Network; Edge computing; Social Super Node; Degree centralities; Delays; Network Performances.