Paper Title
A Proposed Qualitative Study of using Inquiry-Based Teaching Practices for Environmental Sustainability Education with Pre-service Teachers

Environmental education is always claimed to be placed at the centre stage of systemic efforts to achieve sustainable development. It’s since the 1960’s; Canada has been one of the acknowledged leading nation to prioritize the integration of environmental education into all levels of its educative efforts for sustainable development. Canada considers environmental education in all areas of education and education levels, be it in primary, secondary, high school, adult education, vocational education – and in formal and non-formal learning settings. However the nation recognizes that the existing challenges and issues require more innovation and greater focus on the implementation of educative measures and efficient daily actions to promote sustainable development. Therefore, this article focuses on using inquiry-based teaching practices for environmental sustainable education in pre-service teachers. Key words - Environmental sustainability, Inquiry-based teaching practices, Pre-service teachers