Paper Title
The use of Alpha Lipoic Acid for Asetilcholine, nfĸβ, Tau Protein, and aβ Protein Levels to Inhibit the Progression of Alzheimer’s on Rat Induce Type 2Diabetes Mellitus

Alzheimer is neurodegenerative disease with progressive decline in episodic memory and other cortical function. The most common risk factor of Alzheimer is a type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). Currently the treatment of T2DM is using metformin and sulfonylurea, but the long term usage of those medicine have side effect of neuropathy and heart failure. This study using in vivo true experimental design with post test only randomized control group design. First 28 rats are feeding highly fat diit then induced T2DM using streptozotozin Alpha lipoic acid (ALA) is given orally everydayfor 30 days with the variance dose are 0.3375 mg/200gBB, 1.35 mg/200gBB, 5.4 mg/200gBB, and 21.6 mg/200gBB. While sulfonylureas is given orally everyday for 30 days at 0.09 mg/200gBB. Measurement of asetilcholine, NFĸβ, protein tau, and protein Aβ are using elisa reader. Indexterms: Alzheimer, Alpha Lipoic Acid, T2DM, Asetilcholine, NFĸβ, Protein Tau, Protein Aβ